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Desk Accessories

I started out making various desk accessories such as pens, letter openers, magnifying glasses and such.  Many are made of wood but some of my specialty pens are made of acrylics, deer antler and most recently recycled 30 and 50 caliber shell casings.  Click on the image for a larger view.
Recycled 30 and 50 caliber shell casings

I use 308 and 30/06 shell casings for a variety of my pen styles.  I obtain them from local gun enthusiasts and shooting ranges.  I use recycled and new (dummy rounds) of 50 caliber maching gun shells for pens, letter oepners, magnifying glasses and bottle openers.  I also use replica shells for my line of bolt action pens.

I use a wide variety of both domestic and exotic woods to make my pens and accessories.  Exotic species include cocobolo, padauk, purple heart and others while domestics include oak, cherry, walnut and tulip wood as examples.  Spalted woods are stabilized and dyed using vaccuum stabilization with Cactus Juice--more on other pages.

Wood, acrylic and stabilized pens
Pretty in Pink Pens
Misc wood Pens
Fountain Pens and Rollerballs
Bolt Action Pens
Deer Antler Pens
30 Caliber replica pens
30 Caliber recycled Shell Pens
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