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As needs for large furniture decreased as our family grew, I "turned" to wood-turning techniques. Starting out by making pens and similar desk accessories, I gradually moved on to making bowls, platters, pepper mills, knives, cutting boards and a host of other smaller items. As noted later, I focus on using recycled wood from trees either cut down or those that fell down due to storms, age or disease. More about this later.
"Turned to woodturning
As our family grew, I started making our own furniture. I made bedroom sets for our two children and made numerous other large furniture pieces ranging from a few bookcases through china closets, dry sinks, hall clocks and cribs, beds and triple dressers for our grandchildren. Woodworking provided a relief from my "day job" as a scientist turned business man in the biopharma industry.
Moved on to making our furniture
Working with wood for nearly 50 years
Tom Puskar aka Pops, has been an avid woodworker for nearly 50 years. I started when we got married in 1968 and filled our first apartment with refurbished and refinished furniture. That's when I got the appreciation for working with wood.